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When it comes to dating, most guys treat the world like their personal playground. This is especially true when it comes to dating women who are younger than them. These men look at a younger woman as an opportunity to play the role of teacher and lead her through life. It’s not just a condescending view; this is also an accurate assessment of what most men do when they date someone who is younger than them. However, the problem comes from being that kind of guy constantly. The moment you become that kind of guy, your relationship will suffer for it. Sure, she might be happy now, but eventually she will realize you don’t respect her for who she is as a person. If you want to be a good boyfriend to your girlfriend who is younger than you, read on for some helpful tips.
Don’t Be Afraid to Be Yourself
Your girlfriend might be younger than you, but she’s not a child. She is a grown woman who is capable of making her own choices. The moment you start treating her like a child, you are no longer being a good boyfriend. You become a condescending person who thinks they know what’s best for her despite having no idea who she is as a person. With that said, you don’t have to give up all of your ideals. You can still be vegetarian. You can still be a leftist. You can still believe in the things that are important to you. However, you don’t have to impose it upon her. You don’t have to make her follow suit. You can give her the option. If she likes those things, great. If not, that’s also fine.
Show Her You Care Through Actions
Being a good boyfriend isn’t about how many nice things you can say to her. It’s about how sincere you are when you actually do say them. Actions speak louder than words. If you want to break down social barriers between you and your younger girlfriend, you need to show her you care. You can do this by taking her out on a date. You can take her to a park where the two of you can look at the stars together. You can take her to a museum. Hell, you can even go to the local bar and drink a couple of beers with her. The important thing here is that you are spending time with her. Not because you have to, but because you want to.
Be a Good Role Model
Being a good boyfriend isn’t just about being a good person. It’s also about being a good example to the people around you. If your younger girlfriend looks up to you, she will attempt to follow your lead. She will attempt to mimic your behavior and adopt your ideals. Now, this isn’t a bad thing in and of itself. However, it can become a problem if you are a bad role model. If you are constantly drinking, doing drugs, and having sex with people, your girlfriend will attempt to do the same. If you want to be a good role model to your girlfriend, you need to lead her towards a positive life. You need to show her that there is more to life than consuming. You need to show her that there is more to life than Instagram likes and attention. You need to show her that there is more to life than materialism.
Show Her There Is More to Life Than Instagram
Social media is an important part of modern society. It has its benefits. It also has its drawbacks. All too often, people become obsessed with how many followers they have and how many likes they can get. They become obsessed with social media likes as if they are real life approval. As if they are real life currency. The problem is that social media is not real life. It’s not tangible. It’s not something you can hold in your hands or feel in your heart. Rather, it’s something that is completely fabricated. Something that is completely fabricated and completely shallow. As such, if you want to be a good boyfriend to your younger girlfriend, it’s important that you show her that not everything has to be based around social media. You can do this by limiting your usage of social media. You can do this by not being on your phone every second of the day. You can also show her that there is more to life than social media by not constantly showing her how many likes you got on the last photo you posted.
When it comes to dating, most guys treat the world like their personal playground. This is especially true when it comes to dating women who are younger than them. These men look at a younger woman as an opportunity to play the role of teacher and lead her through life. It’s not just a condescending view; this is also an accurate assessment of what most men do when they date someone who is younger than them. However, the problem comes from being that kind of guy constantly. The moment you become that kind of guy, your relationship will suffer for it. Sure, she might be happy now, but eventually she will realize you don’t respect her for who she is as a person. If you want to be a good boyfriend to your girlfriend who is younger than you, read on for some helpful tips.